Expert Knowledge.....Transforming your organisation!

Performance management (at the organisational and individual levels) involves employees, as individuals and as part of a group, as it relates to improving efficiency, effectiveness and the accomplishment of the vision and strategic direction of the organisation. AICL will assist in ensuring alignment between job descriptions and performance. We will also lend support in the creation of tiered metrics for every level of your organisation. Additionally, we will identify the fundamental causes of poor financial achievement as well as employ performance management and monitoring methodologies.
This will be accomplished by conducting a thorough analysis of the organisation’s desired end-state and current reality, including: its vision, mission, strategic goals, balanced scorecard dimensions, and key performance indicators. We will also identify critical success factors and align key performance indicators after which focus will be placed on balanced scorecard improvement through the design and implementation of data capture and reporting mechanisms. Together, we will review performance levels and the targets for each indicator that will offer feedback to enhance decision-making to address areas of under-performance.
In conclusion, an entrenched performance management system will build the foundation necessary for you to achieve your organisation’s vision and strategic objectives. As such, you can feel confident that AICL has the expertise to help you accomplish these goals.